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Displaying 1-10 of 350 results for

Measurement & Metrology clear Quality/Inspection/Test clear Product Design & Engineering clear Stamping clear Forming & Fabricating clear

Metrology Tools for In-Process Inspection

While suppliers are under more pressure than ever to produce precision parts faster and with less scrap, in-process metrology means manufacturers can detect as soon as possible when a part is going wrong, correcting the issue quickly and saving it from scrap.

Gaging Success

CMMs and other multifunctional metrology devices are becoming faster and more sophisticated, but top-quality gages and measuring tools still have an important place.

The Sky’s the Limit for 3D Printing

Learn from industry experts about the latest breakthroughs, challenges, and the limitless potential of AM. Get ready to witness a revolution in how we design and produce vital components for the industry.

Data-Driven Manufacturing

In my capacity as the Chair of the Council of the Manufacturing USA institute directors, I often get asked about trends in U.S. advanced manufacturing.

Laser Scanners Demand Attention as Technology Improves

Metrology-grade laser scanners are expanding their range of applications. New users are finding the main attractions of laser scanners—speed and ease of use. What prevented more widespread use in the past were laser scanners’ perceived tradeoffs. Using one usually meant sacrificing accuracy or working with noisy data.

Using 3D Scanning to Find Pipe Problems at a Nuclear Power Plant

Nuclear power has long been a clean, dependable source of energy throughout the world. However, as power plants age, concerns grow on their continued reliability. There are many components that make up the infrastructure of a nuclear power plant with the design intent to reduce radiation and contamination exposure to personnel, equipment, and the surrounding environment.