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SME Search Search Results

Displaying 1-10 of 187 results for

2020 or earlier clear Controls clear Materials clear Casting clear

Edge Prep Measured, Tool Life’s Extended

Tool life, geometry, and stability largely depend on proper edge preparation. Tool Flo, located in Houston, TX, is a manufacturer of carbide cutting tools such as inserts for threading, turning, and milling. The company uses optical 3D measurement systems from Alicona Corp. (Bartlett, IL) in the quality assurance of inserts.

Getting Connected

As the IIoT moves from theory to reality, managing shop-floor data grows in importance.

ERP Software Helps Big Builders Grapple with Global Complexity

When you’re managing a global manufacturing enterprise, there’s no choice but to go big. Large manufacturers, and even mid-sized builders, need the latest and best available technology in fast, real-time enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to handle the rapidly changing situations on the shop floor, often at multiple manufacturing sites located anywhere in the world.

Why Optical Metrology Is on the Move

Recently, the power of optical metrology combined with automation has been recognized. What makes automating metrology operations so important?

Full Stream Ahead: Waterjet Smooths Production

More shops than ever are embracing waterjet cutting systems. And for the most part, the reason is that a number of customer-driven improvements/innovations to waterjet technology make it even more user friendly, productive and appealing to an ever-broadening array of manufacturers.

ERP Software for Small Shops

Modernizing the smaller shop with the latest digital tools available from enterprise resource planning (ERP) software developers

CAM Helps Company Target High-Value Parts

Monsees Group (Rochester, NY) has successfully navigated the treacherous waters from being a near-captive operation to being a highly effective competitor in the world of high-precision complex part manufacturing.