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Ripple Effects from ‘Deep Learning,’ AVs to be Felt Far and Wide

Brett Brune
By Brett Brune Editor in Chief, Smart Manufacturing

Hod Lipson, co-author with Melba Kurman of the book “Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead,” asserts that AV technology is going to change things for everyone, in all business and sectors. “It’s a tsunami heading our way.” And, says the Columbia University professor of engineering and data science, “deep learning” software is so good at understanding and perception that it far surpasses humans. “It can see in the dark, in the rain. It can see not with two eyes but with 20 eyes. It is part of the reason robots will be able to handle a larger variety of tasks because they won’t need to confine themselves to just one type of component. They’ll be able to package different objects with different shapes and sizes without being programmed in advance.


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