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NAMRI | SME Awards

The North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI | SME) brings together researchers from leading companies, government laboratories, academic institutions and industrial think tanks located around the world to advance the scientific foundation of discrete-parts manufacturing. This group's work covers refining fundamental technologies and developing emerging technologies and processes for material removal and material forming, as well as research on manufacturing modeling, simulation, monitoring and control systems.

2022 NAMRI | SME Awards

2022 Awards Brochure

2021 NAMRI | SME Awards

2021 Awards Brochure

2020 NAMRI | SME Virtual Awards

Virtual Awards Ceremony Recording

2020 Awards Brochure

2021 – 2022 NAMRI | SME Board of Directors

The NAMRI | SME Board of Directors makes policy for the institution that represents manufacturing research leadership in industry, government and academia in North America and the world.

2021 NAMRI | SME Awards

Celebrate our NAMRI | SME 2021 Award winners! View the awards program.

NAMRI | SME Awards

SME Awards

SME Journal Awards

The awards recognize outstanding associate editors and high performing reviewers in each of our three Journals. Their critical review and oversight is crucial in further promoting the interdisciplinary formative research that contributes to the progress in manufacturing techniques, models, processes and systems.
SME Awards

NAMRI | SME Founders Lecture

These awards honor individuals who served on the NAMRC Scientific Committee and the members who founded NAMRI | SME as well as other distinguished contributors to manufacturing who have been actively involved with NAMRC.
SME Awards

NAMRC Student Research Presentation Award

As part of the annual North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC), a Student Research Presentation Award is presented in recognition of students' contributions to the conference.
SME Awards

NAMRI | SME Outstanding Lifetime Service Award

This award honors distinguished members for their long-term dedication and contributions to NAMRI | SME.
Blue Sky

Blue Sky Competition

The goal of this annual competition is to influence the future of manufacturing research and education in the United States through new visionary ideas of the future.
SME Technical Community

Aubin AM Case Study Award

The Aubin AM Case Study Award looks to recognize innovative case studies using AM technologies. The purpose of the award is to recognize outstanding use cases of AM adoption and implementation and to provide inspiration to others in their journey of AM application. The case study must include components that are printed and tested but they do not need to be in production. Nominations from a customer in conjunction with a machine supplier, software supplier or material supplier are preferred.
SME Awards

Blue Sky Competition & David Dornfeld Manufacturing Vision Award

This award recognizes outstanding vision and leadership within the manufacturing community.
SME Awards

NAMRC | SME Outstanding Paper Award

Each year this award recognizes both the engineering value and industrial relevance of a published NAMRC paper.
SME Awards

S.M. Wu Research Implementation Award

This award recognizes individuals for outstanding original research, which, when implemented, has had a significant commercial and/or societal impact.
Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award

Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award

Recognizes innovators, age 35 and younger, in both academia and industry for exceptional accomplishments, such as technical publications, patents or technical-professional leadership. Nominations Due: Aug. 1
SME Awards

Journals – SME Best Paper Award

Awarded annually to a journal paper published within the past seven years that has received the highest number of citations, as measured in Scopus within the past five years.
SME Awards

NAMRC Outstanding Reviewers

The NAMRI | SME Outstanding Paper Award is presented each year to recognize both the engineering value and industrial relevance of a publication at the annual North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC). The following are recognized as Outstanding Reviewers.
RAMP Competition

RAMP Competition

This competition focuses on the modeling of manufacturing processes for system-level sustainability assessment.