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Featured Technical Communities

NAMRI Community

NAMRI, the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, is a global nexus of leading researchers, industry experts, and academic innovators. We're dedicated to advancing the scientific foundation of discrete-parts manufacturing, shaping a future defined by excellence and collaboration.

Additive Manufacturing Technical Community

Welcome to the Additive Manufacturing Technical Community—a collective focused on technologies and processes that accelerate the conception, development, testing, improvement, and cost-effective manufacturing of innovative products. Join us as we explore advancements that propel ideas to market swiftly and efficiently.

Awards & Competitions

Explore SME's Awards and Competitions, a tribute to impactful contributions in the manufacturing industry. Submit a Nomination or participate in a competition! Celebrate excellence and innovation in the manufacturing industry by recognizing and honoring its valuable leaders.

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Become part of a Technical Community

Interested in joining one of our Technical Communities? The first step to participating in one of these Technical Communities is becoming an SME Member. Learn more on how you can become an SME Member by clicking below.